Edward Boone1, Ryad Ghanam2,
Nadeem Malik3, and Joshua Whitlinger4 1 Dept. of Statistical Sci. and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284, USA 2 Dept. of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar
Doha, QATAR 3 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 74909, USA 4 Dept. of Statistical Sci. and Operations Research
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284, USA
This work shows for the first time the viability of using the Bayesian paradigm for both estimation and hypothesis testing when applied to fractional differential equations. Two distinct fractional differential equation models were explored using simulated data sets to determine the performance of the Bayesian inferential methods across values of α (the fractional order) and σ (the experimental error variance). This inferential paradigm shows promise as it has robust estimation, predictions and provides for hypothesis testing to determine whether a fractional process is warranted by the data. A simulation study, applied to a fractional transport system in porous media, demonstrates the robustness of the estimation and the sensitivity of the hypothesis tests to various levels of α and σ2.
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