Two-step methods are secant-like techniques of the quasi-Newton type that,
unlike the classical methods, construct nonlinear alternatives to the
quantities used in the so-called Secant equation. Two-step methods
instead incorporate data available from the two most recent
iterations and thus create an alternative to the Secant equation with the
intention of creating better Hessian approximations that induce faster
convergence to the minimizer of the objective function. Such methods,
based on reported numerical results published in
several research papers related to the subject, have introduced substantial
savings in both iteration and function evaluation counts. Encouraged by the
successful performance of the methods, we explore in this paper employing
them in developing a new Conjugate Gradient (CG) algorithm. CG methods gain
popularity on big problems and in situations when memory resources are
scarce. The numerical experimentations on the new methods are encouraging
and open venue for further investigation of such techniques to explore their
merits in a multitude of applications.
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