Kanikar Muangchoo
Faculty of Science and Technology
Rajamangala University of Technology
Phra Nakhon (RMUTP), 1381 Pracharat 1 Road
Wongsawang, Bang Sue
Bangkok 10800, THAILAND
Many methods have been introduced previously to solve the equilibrium problem, of which the extragradient method is efficient. In this paper, we introduce a modified version of the extragradient algorithm to figure out equilibrium in a real Hilbert space. The proposed scheme based on an inertial scheme and explicit step size rule. The method uses a monotonic step size rule based on local bifunction information rather than of its Lipschitz-type parameters or other line search technique. We also prove the convergence theorem of the given algorithm and discuss its applications in particular classes of equilibrium classes. Finally, several computational tests are shown to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed algorithm.
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