The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes carefully selected original research papers on all scopes of mathematics and its applications: combinatorics, design and configurations, graph theory, fractals, lattices, ordered algebraic structures, real functions, measure and integration, functions of complex variable, potential theory, special functions, fractional calculus, operational calculus and integral transforms, dynamical systems in their broadest sense (covering ODEs, all kinds of PDEs, FDEs, difference equations, functional equations), approximation and expansion, integral equations, operator theory, calculus of variations, optimal control, optimization, applied differential geometry, probability theory and stochastic processes, statistics, numerical analysis, computer science, mechanics of particle and systems, mechanics of solids, fluid mechanics, classical thermodynamics, mathematical methods in economics, operations research, programming, mathematical biology, systems theory, information and communication, circuits.
Only LaTeX typeset manuscripts can be considered. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to Editor-in-Chief, please send first pdf-file and cover letter. After acceptance, the LaTeX-, pdf- and figures files in finally revised form are required, accompanied by scan of signed copyright form. All queries, including for ordering print copies of the journal, should be addressed to Editor-in-Chief, see CONTACT US.
To ensure timeliness of publication, we have 6 issues per year, each 2 months.
The journal has Open Online Access to contents of published issues and to full text papers (since 2012), with assigned DOI-number to each paper and link to CrossRef. APC (Article Processing Charges) are applied to cover the inquired expenses for editing, printing, package and postage, services to ensure open access, etc.
IJAM is indexed in Scopus (Elsevier) – since Vol. 30 (2017).
with current impact rangs SJR = 0.27 (2019) and SJR = 0.27 (2020), SJR = 0.26 (2023), in Q3,
Contents and publications of IJAM are disseminated by EBSCO Publishing (EP), since 2018 – licensed to include it in the library research databases on EBSCOhost.
Cover-to-Cover Reviewed in (abbrev. as: "Int. J. Appl. Math.") by:
Harzing's Publish or Perish software finds via Google Scholar for the ISSN 1311-1728 (Oct. 2019): Citation years: 20; Papers: 962, Citations: 2605, Cites per paper: 2.71, h-index: 19, g-index: 34.
Journal's Leaflet | IJAM Contents 2016-2020 | Open Access Journal (PDF file) |
Instruction to Authors (PDF file) | Copyright Transfer Form (MS Word file) | Publications Ethics |